- 218. The Skyline Problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/the-skyline-problem/description/
- 253. Meeting Rooms II: https://leetcode.com/problems/meeting-rooms-ii/description/
- 850. Rectangle Area II: https://leetcode.com/contest/weekly-contest-88/problems/rectangle-area-ii/
Articles: https://leetcode.com/articles/rectangle-area-ii/
- Moving the sweep line
- Sweeping algorithms typically manage two sets of data:
- The sweep-line status gives the relationships among the objects intersected by the sweep line.
- The event-point schedule is a sequence of x-coordinates, ordered from left to right, that defines the halting positions of the sweep line. We call each such halting position an event point. Changes to the sweep-line status occur only at event points.
- The sweep-line status is a total preorder T:
- INSERT(T, s): insert segment s into T.
- DELETE(T, s): delete segment s from T.
- ABOVE(T, s): return the segment immediately above segment s in T.
- BELOW(T, s): return the segment immediately below segment s in T.
- T -> {}
- sort the endpoints of the segments in S from left to right, breaking ties by putting points with lower y-coordinates first
- for each point p in the sorted list of endpoints
- if p is the left endpoint of a segment s
- then INSERT(T, s)
- if (ABOVE(T, s) exists and intersects s) or (BELOW(T, s) exists and intersects s)
- then return TRUE
- if p is the right endpoint of a segment s
- if both ABOVE(T, s) and BELOW(T, s) exist and ABOVE(T, s) intersects BELOW(T, s)
- return TRUE
- DELETE(T, s)
- return FALSE
- TreeMap: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/TreeMap.html
- Segment tree with lazy propagation (custom)