2013年11月29日 星期五

Study on Clocks/Watches

Type of Clocks

1. Lantern clock
  • Introduced around 1620.  
  • Original lantern clocks were all weight driven.  
  • Occasionally a spring-driven clocks may be found
2. Bracket clock (Spring clock)

3. Longcase clock
  • Tall, weight driven pendulum clock
  • The longcase is not to be confused with the regulator clock
4. English dial clock

5. American wall clock

6. Carriage clock

7. French clock with a drum movement

8. Vienna regulator
  • Made about 1790 and 1910
  • Normally use a Graham dead-beat escapement and a wooden pendulum rod with large, disk-like bob in polished brass.

以上資料從 BHI 擷取。

判斷擺鐘為 Vienna regulator,答答答的聲音就是 escapement 發出來的。


The escapement is THE part of a clock/watch that prevents the weight of the winding mechanism plunging to the floor or prevents the mainspring to relax within seconds and which makes sure, that the pendulum (balance) swings remotely.

因為擺鐘下面有一個擺垂,我又聽聲音,合理懷疑是 Graham escapement


到這邊我們還是不知道擺鐘運作的原理,機械鐘最重要的元素就是 oscillator。擺垂是很棒的 oscillator。但我們也知道光桿擺垂沒有動力的話遲早也停擺,那麼整個故事是怎麼一回事呢?

這樣就很清楚了,有了 framework,接下來每個 module 怎麼實作就各憑本事了。

  1. A motive force drives a gear train
  2. The gear train operates some form of time indication
  3. A speed controller (= escapement + oscillator) controls the speed of the gear train

motive force 大致就是 weights springs
  • A weight stores energy by lifting from the ground, and releases the energy as it descends.
  • A spring stores energy by winding it up, and releases the energy as it unwinds.

Gear train
  • Converts high-torque, few-turns into low-torque, many-turns

Speed controller
  • Escapement
    • Provides energy to the oscillator to keep it going
    • Releases the train in small step

這是錶的 movement 示意圖:

Overall framework

Motive force

Gear train

Speed controller (Escapement)

Speed controller (Oscillator)

原理懂了,重點還是要看進去 Vienna 3 weight regulator clock。這邊先賣個關子,因為我也不懂。

[1] http://www.bhi.co.uk/Documents/Tech/DLCLesson1.pdf
[2] http://www.princeton.edu/~timeteam/
[3] http://www.clockwatch.de/index.html?html/tec/hem/gra.htm

2 則留言:

  1. Study: 把中間的 weight 拿掉會讓擺垂停下來

  2. Weight 構造亮銅皮,裡面重物會滑動,要小心打光整理。
