2011年2月15日 星期二

Test/Code Cycle in XP

1. Write one test
2. Compile the test. It should fail to compile, as you haven't yet implemented the code that the test calls.
3. Implement just enough to compile.
4. Run the test and see it fail.
5. Implement just enough to make the test pass.
6. Run the test and see it pass.
7. Refactor for clarity and to remove duplication.
8. Repeat from the top.


回歸正題,今天再寫個測試,包含物體旋轉測試、組合物體測試等等 (目前還缺反轉重力測試,剛剛偷加果然失敗)。把一些細節補上,測試過了,但 duplicated code 太多,這時候就要 refactor。

例如 copy/paste CreateFixture() 兩次,那我就把這個 method 抓到共用的 header file,給一份實做就好了,將來 CreateFixture() 要改動,就不用改兩份一模一樣的 code,或是漏改其他份 code。以上是簡單的例子,更多例子可以參考 Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code,謝謝大家收看。

