2018年12月18日 星期二

[FWD] Stevey's Blog Rants: Get that job at Google


You just happened to squeak by. Because of the inherently flawed nature of the interviewing process, it's highly likely that someone on the loop will be unimpressed with you, even if you are Alan Turing. Especially if you're Alan Turing, in fact, since it means you obviously don't know C++.

2018年9月28日 星期五

[Java] Doubly Linked List

Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/LinkedList.html

The time complexity of remove() method of java.util.LinkedList is O(n) because Java standard LinkedList class does not expose the internal Node details for clients.

Therefore, we implement a custom DoublyLinkedList class for competitive programming. In this implementation, both time complexity of add() and of remove() are O(1).
    public class DoublyLinkedList<V> {
        private int size;
        private Node<V> head;
        private Node<V> tail;

        public DoublyLinkedList() {
            this.size = 0;
            this.head = new Node<V>();
            this.tail = new Node<V>();
            this.head.next = this.tail;
            this.tail.prev = this.head;
        public void addFirst(Node<V> node) {
            node.next = this.head.next;
            node.next.prev = node;
            node.prev = this.head;
            node.prev.next = node;
        public void addLast(Node<V> node) {
            node.prev = this.tail.prev;
            node.prev.next = node;
            node.next = this.tail;
            node.next.prev = node;
        public void remove(Node<V> node) {
            if (node.prev != null && node.next != null) {
                node.next.prev = node.prev;
                node.prev.next = node.next;
                node.prev = node.next = null;
        public Node<V> getFirst() {
            return isEmpty() ? null : this.head.next;

        public Node<V> getLast() {
            return isEmpty() ? null : this.tail.prev;
        public int size() {
            return this.size;    
        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return this.size == 0;
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            Node<V> curr = this.head.next;
            while (curr != this.tail) {
                builder.append(" -> ");
                curr = curr.next;
            builder.append("END \n");
            return builder.toString();

    public class Node<V> {
        private V value;
        private Node prev;
        private Node next;

        public Node(V value) {
            this.value = value;

        public Node() {
            this.value = null;
        public V getValue() {
            return this.value;
        public String toString() {
            return this.value == null ? null : this.value.toString();

[Java] Map Implementations

Documents: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/implementations/map.html

General-Purpose Map Implementations:
  • HashMap
  • TreeMap
  • LinkedHashMap

Special-Purpose Map Implementations:
  • EnumMap
  • WeakHashMap
  • IdentityHashMap

Concurrent Map Implementations:
  • The java.util.concurrent package contains the ConcurrentMap interface, which extends Map with atomic putIfAbsent, remove, and replace methods, and the ConcurrentHashMap implementation of that interface.

Example: [LeetCode] 146. LRU Cache

public class LRUCache {
    private int capacity;
    private Map<Integer, Node> cache;
    private DoublyLinkedList doublyLinkedList;
    public LRUCache(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.cache = new HashMap<>();
        this.doublyLinkedList = new DoublyLinkedList();

    public int get(int key) {
        if (!cache.containsKey(key)) {
            return -1;
        Node node = cache.get(key);
        return node.value;

    public void put(int key, int value) {
        if (cache.containsKey(key)) {
            Node node = cache.get(key);
            node.value = value;

        if (cache.size() == capacity) {

        Node insert = new Node(key, value);
        cache.put(key, insert);
    public static class DoublyLinkedList {
        private Node head;
        private Node tail;

        public DoublyLinkedList() {
            this.head = new Node();
            this.tail = new Node();
            this.head.next = this.tail;
            this.tail.prev = this.head;
        public Node first() {
            return head.next;
        public void remove(Node node) {
            node.prev.next = node.next;
            node.next.prev = node.prev;

        public void addToTail(Node node) {
            node.prev = tail.prev;
            tail.prev = node;
            node.prev.next = node;
            node.next = tail;
        public void moveToTail(Node node) {
    public static class Node {
        public int key;
        public int value;
        public Node prev;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int key, int value) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;
        public Node() {
            this.key = -1;
            this.value = -1;

Example: [LeetCode] 460. LFU Cache
class LFUCache {
    private int capacity;
    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> valueHash;
    private Node head;
    private HashMap<Integer, Node> nodeHash;

    public LFUCache(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.valueHash = new HashMap<>();
        this.nodeHash = new HashMap<>();
    public int get(int key) {
        if (valueHash.containsKey(key)) {
            return valueHash.get(key);
        } else {
            return -1;
    public void put(int key, int value) {
        if (capacity == 0) {
        if (!valueHash.containsKey(key)) {
            if (valueHash.size() == capacity) {
        valueHash.put(key, value);    
    private void addToHead(int key) {
        if (head == null) {
            head = new Node(0);
        } else if (head.frequency > 0) {
            Node node = new Node(0);
            node.next = head;
            head.prev = node;
            head = node;
        nodeHash.put(key, head);      
    private void increaseFrequency(int key) {
        Node node = nodeHash.get(key);
        if (node.next == null) {
            node.next = new Node(node.frequency + 1);
            node.next.prev = node;
        } else if (node.next.frequency > node.frequency + 1) {
            Node middle = new Node(node.frequency + 1);
            middle.prev = node;
            middle.next = node.next;
            node.next.prev = middle;
            node.next = middle;
        nodeHash.put(key, node.next);
        if (node.bucket.isEmpty()) {
    private void removeOldestKey() {
        if (head == null) { 
        int oldestKey = getOldestKey();
        if (head.bucket.isEmpty()) {
    private int getOldestKey() {
        for (int n : head.bucket) {
            return n;
        return 0;
    private void removeNode(Node node) {
        if (node.prev == null) {
            head = node.next;
        } else {
            node.prev.next = node.next;
        if (node.next != null) {
            node.next.prev = node.prev;
    public static class Node {
        public int frequency;
        public LinkedHashSet<Integer> bucket;
        public Node prev;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int frequency) {
            this.frequency = frequency;
            this.bucket = new LinkedHashSet<>();

[Java] Set Implementations

Documents: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/implementations/set.html

There are three general-purpose Set implementations:
  • HashSet
    • No ordering guarantees.
  • TreeSet
    • Implements SortedSet interface
  • LinkedHashSet
    • Differs from HashSet in that it maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. 
    • This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is the order in which elements were inserted into the set (insertion-order).

There are two special-purpose Set implementations:
  • EnumSet
  • CopyOnWriteArraySet

[FWD] Solving the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube

Document: http://lghttp.38568.nexcesscdn.net/8013252/pdf/uploads/general_content/Rubiks_Cube_2x2x2_solving_guide.pdf

  • Step 1: Solving the first layer (white) as 3x3x3.
  • Step 2: Orienting the yellow face.
    • There are only seven possible cases.
      • Left Soon algorithm: L' U' L U' L' U2 L
      • Right Soon algorithm: R U R' U R U2 R'
  • Step 3: Permuting the second layer.
    • x R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 x'

2018年9月18日 星期二

[HackerRank] Practice Interview Preparation Kit: Dynamic Programming

Link: https://www.hackerrank.com/interview/interview-preparation-kit/dynamic-programming/challenges

1. Max Array Sum: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/max-array-sum/problem

Solution: Naive dynamic programming. Time = O(n), Space = O(1).
  • Define 
    • f(i): max subarray sum from 1 to i which contains the last element.
    • g(i): max subarray sum from 1 to i which does not contain the last element.
  • Answer = max(f(n), g(n)).
  • Recursive formula:
    • f(i) = g(i - 1) + a[i]
    • g(i) = max(f(i - 1), g(i - 1)).


import math
import os
import sys

# Complete the maxSubsetSum function below.
def maxSubsetSum(arr):
    best_w_last, best_wo_last = 0, 0
    for a in arr:
        best_w_last, best_wo_last = best_wo_last + a, max(best_w_last, best_wo_last)
    return max(best_w_last, best_wo_last)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
    n = int(input())
    arr = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))
    res = maxSubsetSum(arr)
    fptr.write(str(res) + '\n')

2. Candies: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/candies/problem

Solution: Two pass greedy algorithm. Time = O(n), Space = O(n).


import math
import os
import sys

# Complete the candies function below.
def candies(n, r):
    c = [1 for i in range(n)]
    for i in range(1, n):
        if r[i] > r[i - 1]:
            c[i] += c[i - 1];
    for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
        if r[i] > r[i + 1]:
            c[i] = max(c[i + 1] + 1, c[i])
    return sum(c)    

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
    n = int(input())
    arr = []
    for _ in range(n):
        arr_item = int(input())
    result = candies(n, arr)
    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')

3. Abbreviation: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/abbr/problem

4. Decibinary Numbers: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/decibinary-numbers/problem

2018年9月8日 星期六

[IOI 2002] Batch Scheduling

Category: DP + Convex Hull Trick

Problem statement: https://ioinformatics.org/files/ioi2002problem4.pdf

Convex Hull Trick:

[IOI 2014 Practice Contest 2] Guardians of the Lunatics

  • DP + Divide and Conquer Optimization
  • DP + Knuth Optimization

Problem statement: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/ioi-2014-practice-contest-2/challenges/guardians-lunatics-ioi14

Solution: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/ioi-2014-practice-contest-2/challenges/guardians-lunatics-ioi14/editorial

Knuth Optimization:
  • Paper: http://www.cs.ust.hk/mjg_lib/bibs/DPSu/DPSu.Files/p429-yao.pdf
  • DP formulation:
    • c[i, i] = 0
    • c[i, j] = w(i, j) + min_{i
  • Quadrangle Inequalities (QI): w(i, j) + w(i', j') ≤ w(i, j') + w(i', j) for all i ≤ i' ≤ j ≤ j'.
  • Monotone on the lattice of intervals: w(i, j') ≤ w(i', j) for all i ≤ i' ≤ j ≤ j'.
  • Theorem: QI + Monotone => Time = O(n^2).
    • Lemma 1: w(i, j) is QI + Monotone => c[i, j] is QI.
    • Lemma 2: 
      • Define c_k(i, j) = w(i, j) + c[i, k-1] + c[k, j].
      • Define K_c(i, j) = max{ k : c_k(i, j) = c[i, j] }.
      • c[i, j] is QI => K_c(i, j) ≤ K_c(i, j + 1) ≤ K_c(i + 1, j + 1).

2018年9月7日 星期五

[Dynamic Programming] Optimal binary search trees

Quote from Section 15.5 from CLRS, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd.

  • \sum p_i + \sum q_j = 1.
  • E[search cost in T] = 1 + \sum depth(k_i) p_i + \sum depth(d_j) q_j.
  • e[i, j] = the expected cost of searching an optimal BST containing the keys k_i, ..., k_j.
    • When j = i - 1, e[i, j] = q_{i - 1} by definition. (When j = i - 1, there are no actual keys; we have just the dummy key d_{i - 1}.)
    • i from 1 to n + 1.
    • j from 0 to n.
  • w(i, j) = \sum_{l from i to j} p_l + \sum_{w from i - 1 to j} q_l.
    • i from 1 to n + 1.
    • j from 0 to n.
    • w[i, j] = w[i, j - 1] + p_j + q_j.
  • If k_r is the root of an optimal BST, we have
    • e[i, j] = p_r + (e[i, r - 1] + w(i, r - 1)) + (e[r + 1, j] + w(r + 1, j)).
    • e[i, j] = e[i, r - 1] + e[r +1, j] + w(i, j) 
      • since w(i, j) = w(i, r - 1) + p_r + w(r + 1, j).
  • e[i, j] =
    • q_{i - 1} if j = i - 1.
    • min_{r from i to j}{ e[i, r - 1] + e[r + 1, j] + w(i, j) }.
  • Define root[i, j] be the index r for which k_r is the root of an optimal BST containing key k_i, ..., k_j.

Naive algorithm, Time = O(n^3)
  • let e[1 .. n + 1, 0 .. n], w[1 .. n + 1, 0 .. n], and root[1 .. n, 1 .. n] be new tables
  • for i = 1 to n + 1
    • e[i, i - 1] = q_{i - 1}
    • w[i, i - 1] = q_{i - 1}
  • for l = 1 to n
    • for i = 1 to n - l + 1
      • j = i + l - 1
      • e[i, j] = infinity
      • w[i, j] = w[i, j - 1] + p_j + q_j
      • for r = i to j
        • t = e[i, r - 1] + e[r + 1, j] + w[i, j]
        • if t < e[i, j]
          • e[i, j] = t
          • root[i, j] = r
  • return e and root

Knuth Optimization, Time = O(n^2)
  • Fact: root[i, j - 1] ≤ root[i, j] ≤ root[i + 1, j].
  • Change the innermost for loop to for r = root[i, j - 1] to root[i + 1, j].

2018年8月14日 星期二

[CP] IOI'96 Day 2: Problem 1: Sorting a Three-Valued Sequence

Problem: http://olympiads.win.tue.nl/ioi/ioi96/contest/ioi96s.html

Key idea: Counting sort. Time should be O(N).

Algorithm: Time = O(N).
  1. Counting each value 1, 2, 3, i.e., Count[1], Count[2], Count[3].
    • Count[1] + Count[2] + Count[3] = N
    • Target intervals:
      • I_1 = [0, Count[1])
      • I_2 = [Count[1], Count[1] + Count[2])
      • I_3 = [Count[1] + Count[2], Count[1] + Count[2] + Count[3])
  2. Counting each value on 3 different target intervals.
    • Define Count[i][j] = # of value i in the interval I_j.
  3. Swap i and j in min(Count[i][j], Count[j][i]) times for i ≠ j.
  4. Swap the rest unsorted values.
    • Let T_ij = abs(Count[i][j] - Count[j][i]).
      • Property: T_ij = T_jk = T_ki. 
      • Let T = T_ij = T_jk = T_jk.
    • Swap 1 -> 2 -> 3 cyclically: Take 2T times. 
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    ofstream fout("sort3.out");
    ifstream fin("sort3.in");

    int N;
    fin >> N;

    int values[1000] = {0};
    int value_counts[3] = {0};
    int swapping_map[3][3] = {0};
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        fin >> values[i];
        value_counts[values[i] - 1]++;

    int begin_pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < value_counts[i]; j++) {
            swapping_map[i][values[begin_pos + j] - 1]++;
        begin_pos += value_counts[i];

    int swapping_count = 0;
    swapping_count += min(swapping_map[0][1], swapping_map[1][0]); // 1 <-> 2
    swapping_count += min(swapping_map[1][2], swapping_map[2][1]); // 2 <-> 3
    swapping_count += min(swapping_map[2][0], swapping_map[0][2]); // 3 <-> 1
    swapping_count += 2 * abs(swapping_map[0][1] - swapping_map[1][0]); // 1 -> 2 -> 3
    fout << swapping_count << '\n';

    return 0;

2018年7月18日 星期三

[Notes] Precalculated Values

Example: [Leetcode] 357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits: https://leetcode.com/problems/count-numbers-with-unique-digits/description/

Statement: Given a non-negative integer n, count all numbers with unique digits, x, where 0 ≤ x < 10^n.

class Solution {
    private int[] precalculated = new int[] { 
        1, 10, 91, 739, 5275, 32491, 168571, 712891, 2345851, 5611771, 8877691

    public int countNumbersWithUniqueDigits(int n) {
        return precalculated[Math.min(n, 10)];

2018年7月8日 星期日

[Notes] Video Suggestion and Discovery for YouTube: Taking Random Walks Through the View Graph

Paper: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-TW//pubs/archive/34407.pdf

  • Adsorption, provides a simple method to efficiently propagate preference information through a variety of graphs.

  • The goal is to create a personalized page of video recommendations that not only shows the latest and most popular videos, but also provides users with recommendations tailored to their viewing habits.
  • The Video Co-View Graph:
    • Video-video co-view graph
    • User-video co-view graph
    • We attempt to use the broadest definition of co-view whenever possible.

  • The genesis of the family of algorithms that we will collectively call adsorption is the following question: assuming we wish to classify a node in a graph in terms of (class) labels present on some of the other nodes, what is a principled way to do it?
  • The idea of recommending videos commonly co-viewed with a user’s watched videos nevertheless can be meaningfully abstracted as finding labeled nodes that have multiple short paths from the user node.
  • Thus our desiderata for our recommendation system include the ideas that a video v is relevant to a user u if: 
      • u and v have a short path between them;
      • u and v have several paths between them;
      • u and v have paths that avoid high-degree nodes.
  • Three equivalent views.
  • Adsorption via Averaging
    • Each node has two roles, forwarding labels and collecting labels. 
    • In the “full-information” model, let us imagine that each node keeps track of the history of all labels it receives.
    • Formal description:
      • G = (V, E, w), where V denotes the set of vertices (nodes), E denotes the set of edges, and w : E → R denotes a nonnegative weight function on the edges. 
      • Let L denote a set of labels, and assume that each node v in a subset V_L ⊆ V carries a probability distribution L_v on the label set L. 
        • We often refer to V_L as the set of labeled nodes. 
      • For the sake of exposition, we will introduce a pre-processing step, where for each vertex v ∈ V_L, we create a “shadow” vertex v~ with exactly one out-neighbor, namely v, connected via an edge (v, v~) of weight 1; furthermore, for each v ∈ V_L, we will re-locate the label distribution L_v from v to v~, leaving v with no label distribution
      • Let V~ denote the set of shadow vertices, V~ = {v~ | v ∈ V_L}. 
      • From now on, we will assume that at the beginning of the algorithm, only vertices in V~ have non-vacuous label distributions.
    • Algorithm.
  • Adsorption via Random Walks
    • For a vertex v ∈ V, denote by N_v the probability distribution on the set of neighbors of v described by N_v(u) = w(u, v)/(Σ_u w(u, v)), that is, the probability of u is proportional to the weight on the edge (u, v). 
    • The label distribution of a vertex v is simply a convex combination of the label distributions at its neighbors, that is, L_v = Σ_u N_v(u) L_u.
    • Therefore, if we pick an in-neighbor u of v at random according to N_v and sample a label according to the distribution L_u, then for each label l ∈ L, L_v(l) is precisely equal to Exp_u [L_u(l)], where the expectation arises from the process of picking a neighbor u according to N_v. 
    • Extending this to neighbors at distance 2, it is easy to see that for each label l ∈ L, L_v(l) = Exp_w Exp_u [L_w(l)], where an in-neighbor u of v is chosen according to N_v and an in-neighbor w of u is chosen according to N_u. Expanding this out, we see that L_v(l) = Σ_w Σ_u N_v(u) N_u(w) L_w(l).
    • N_v(u) is the probability of reaching u from v in one step of a random walk starting from v and picking a neighbor according to N_v, and similarly, N_u(w) is the probability of picking a neighbor w of u according to N_u. 
    • Notice also the crucial use of the Markov property (memorylessness) here, that is, conditioned on the random walk having reached u, the only information used in picking w is N_u, which depends only on u, and not on where we initiated the random walk from.
    • Algorithm.
  • Adsorption via Linear Systems
    • Doing so would give an embedding of the vertices of the graph into L_1 (since each convex combination can be written as a vector of unit L_1 norm in n dimensions, where n = |V|); this is a topic of active research in computer science.
    • The system of linear equations has a unique solution if and only if the underlying graph is connected.
    • Algorithm.
  • Injection and Dummy Probabilities
    • The probability with which we enter the absorbing state v~ might be determined as a function of various features of v. Thus, this parameter, which we call the injection probability is usually a crucial design choice in deploying a live recommendation system.
    • Instead of considering the standard random walk on an edge-weighted graph, one may consider a “hobbled walk,” where at each step, with some probability, which we call the abandonment probability or the dummy probability, the algorithm abandons the random walk without producing any output label.

  • Algorithms and Variants Tested
    • The first reference algorithm is called GP, for global popularity. 
      • This algorithm first sorts all videos by their popularity during the training period. 
      • When we need recommendations for a user u, we proceed in order of this popularity measure, and output top videos that the user has not watched during the training period.
    • The second algorithm, called LP (for local popularity) takes into account the fact that what is globally popular is poorly personalized for many users. The idea behind this algorithm is another very commonly employed item-based-recommendation heuristic, and is based on co-views. 
      • For each video v, compute the list C(v) of videos z that it was co-viewed with, that is, users who watched v also watched z. 
      • Furthermore, for each video v and video z co-viewed with v, assign a score c(v, z) given by the number of users who co-viewed v and z.
      • When we need recommendations for user u, look at the set W(u) of all videos watched by u during the training period, and consider the set C(W(u)) = {z ∈ C(v) | v ∈ W(u)} of videos co-viewed with the videos watched by u. 
      • For each z ∈ C(W(u)), assign a score c(u, z) = Σ_v∈W(u) c(v, z).
      • Sort this set by total score, and output the first from this sorted list that user u has not watched already.
    • The third and final reference algorithm rectifies this: rather than define the “co-view score” c(v, z) between videos v and z to be the number of users who co-viewed v and z, we define c(v, z) by c(v, z) = |U(v)∩U(z)|/|U(v)∪U(z)|, where U(v) denotes the set of users who watched v. 
      • As before, we define c(u, z) for user u and video z to be Σ_v∈W(u) c(v, z). 
      • We call the resulting algorithm LR (for local rare).
    • Adsorption-N: At each user node, injection probability and dummy probability are 0; probability of continuing the random walk is 1. At each video node, injection probability is 1/4, dummy probability is 0, and probability of continuing the random walk is 1/2. 
    • Adsorption-D: At each user node, injection probability is 0, dummy probability is 1/4, and probability of continuing the random walk is 3/4. At each video node, injection probability is 1/4, dummy probability is 1/4, and probability of continuing the random walk is 1/2.
  • How the adsorption algorithm is used for the video recommendation problem:
    • One way to use the algorithm is to run the algorithm on the user–video view graph, and use the label distribution derived for each user as the recommendations; the labels will be the most relevant videos for that user.
    • An equivalent mechanism is one where for each user, we collect the distributions computed for each of her watched videos and take their average. 
    • Although this yields equivalent answers, it has an important benefit: we can use this procedure to make recommendation to new users (those that were not in the training set), as soon as they watch even a single video.

  •  Top-1 performance:
    • First, note that GP has the best performance for users who viewed just one video during the training period.
      • But it quickly degrades as the view frequency increases, becoming the worst among all the algorithms! 
      • This suggests that for very casual users (who visit a system infrequently), recommending the most popular videos is a useful strategy. 
      • However, for users with very high view frequency, the idea of the “popular but unwatched” videos is a somewhat questionable notion.
    • Algorithm Adsorption-D performs significantly better as the view frequency increases beyond 5, and the gains become much larger as the view frequency increases further.

2018年6月21日 星期四

[ProjectEuler] Problem 621: Expressing an integer as the sum of triangular numbers

  • Gauss famously proved that every positive integer can be expressed as the sum of three triangular numbers (including 0 as the lowest triangular number). In fact most numbers can be expressed as a sum of three triangular numbers in several ways.
  • Let G(n) be the number of ways of expressing n as the sum of three triangular numbers, regarding different arrangements of the terms of the sum as distinct.
  • For example, G(9)=7, as 9 can be expressed as: 3+3+3, 0+3+6, 0+6+3, 3+0+6, 3+6+0, 6+0+3, 6+3+0.
  • You are given G(1000)=78 and G(10^6)=2106.
  • Find G(17526 × 10^9).

Proof of Integer is Sum of Three Triangular Numbers:

2018年6月15日 星期五

Google Phone Interview

  • Fail on Amazon Phone Interview.
    • Lesson learn: should practice leetcode.
  • Recruiter prescreen passed.
  • Recruiter said you might practice leetcode.

Data structure & algorithm (rusty):

System design:
  • Reject.
  • Feedback:
    • Good at problem understanding 
    • Good at algorithm
    • Bad at coding
    • Wait for next 6 months
  • Lesson learn:
    • More practice on coding
    • No system design problem in the phone interview. Only algorithm and actual coding in google doc.

    2018年6月9日 星期六

    [Data Structure] Sliding Window


    239. Sliding Window Maximum:
    class Solution {
        public int[] maxSlidingWindow(int[] nums, int k) {
            if (nums == null || k == 0) {
                return new int[0];
            int[] maxSlidingWindow = new int[nums.length - k + 1];
            int maxSlidingWindowPos = 0;
            Deque<Integer> potential = new ArrayDeque<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
                while (!potential.isEmpty() && potential.peekFirst() < i - k + 1) {
                while (!potential.isEmpty() && nums[potential.peekLast()] < nums[i]) {
                if (i - k + 1 >= 0) {
                    maxSlidingWindow[maxSlidingWindowPos++] = nums[potential.peekFirst()];
            return maxSlidingWindow;

    [Algorithm][Graph] Topological sort

    1. call DFS(G) to compute finishing times v.f for each vertex v
    2. as each vertex is finished, insert in onto the front of a linked list
    3. return the linked list of vertices


    2018年6月8日 星期五

    [Data Structure] LRU Cache

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1Njd3NWvlY

    Java: HashMap + doubly linked list (custom).

    [Algorithm][Geometry] Sweep line algorithm


    Articles: https://leetcode.com/articles/rectangle-area-ii/
    • Moving the sweep line
    • Sweeping algorithms typically manage two sets of data:
      • The sweep-line status gives the relationships among the objects intersected by the sweep line.
      • The event-point schedule is a sequence of x-coordinates, ordered from left to right, that defines the halting positions of the sweep line. We call each such halting position an event point. Changes to the sweep-line status occur only at event points.
    • The sweep-line status is a total preorder T:
      • INSERT(T, s): insert segment s into T.
      • DELETE(T, s): delete segment s from T.
      • ABOVE(T, s): return the segment immediately above segment s in T.
      • BELOW(T, s): return the segment immediately below segment s in T.
    Any-segments-intersect algorithm:
    1. T -> {}
    2. sort the endpoints of the segments in S from left to right, breaking ties by putting points with lower y-coordinates first 
    3. for each point p in the sorted list of endpoints
    4.     if p is the left endpoint of a segment s
    5.     then INSERT(T, s)
    6.     if (ABOVE(T, s) exists and intersects s) or (BELOW(T, s) exists and intersects s)
    7.         then return TRUE
    8.     if p is the right endpoint of a segment s
    9.         if both ABOVE(T, s) and BELOW(T, s) exist and ABOVE(T, s) intersects BELOW(T, s)
    10.             return TRUE
    11.         DELETE(T, s)
    12. return FALSE


    2018年5月27日 星期日

    [competitive-data-science] Week 5

    [competitive-data-science] Week 4

    Hyperparameter tuning

    KazAnova's Competition Pipeline (https://github.com/kaz-Anova)
    • Understand the problem
    • Exploratory analysis
    • Define CV strategy
    • Feature engineering 
    • Modelling 
    • Ensembling

    Understand broadly the problem
    • Type of problem
    • How BIG is the data
    • Hardware needed (CPUs, GPUs, RAM, Disk space)
    • Software needed (Tensorflow, Keras, sklearn, LightGBM, xgboost)
    • What is the metric being tested on?
    • Previous code relevant?

    Do some EDA
    • Plot histograms of variables. Check that a feature looks similar between train and test.
    • Plot features vs the target variable and vs time.
    • Consider univariate predictability metrics (IR, R, AUC).
    • Binning numerical features and correlation metrics.

    Decide CV strategy
    • The step is critical. Its success is a good indication for what is going to happen in the competition.
    • People have won by just selecting the right way to validate.
    • Is time important? Split by time. Time-based validation.
    • Different entities than the train. Stratified validation.
    • Is it completely random? Random validation (random K-fold).
    • Combination of all the above.
    • Use test LB to test.

    Feature engineering
    • Image classification: Scaling, shifting, rotations, CNNs. (Data Science Bowls)
    • Sound classification: Fourier, MFCC, specgrams, scaling. (Tensorflow speech recognition)
    • Text classification: TF-IDF, SVD, stemming, spell checking, stop word's removal, x-grams (StumbleUpon Evergreen Classification)
    • Time series: Lags, weighted averaging, exponential smoothing. (Walmart recruitment)
    • Categorial: Target encoding, frequency, one-hot, ordinal, label encoding. (Amazon employee)
    • Numerical: Scaling, binning, derivatives, outlier removals, dimensionality reduction. (Africa soil)
    • Interactions: Multiplications, divisions, group-by features, concatenations. (Homesite)
    • Recommenders: Features on transactional history, item popularity, frequency of purchase. (Acquire Valued Shoppers)

    • Image classification: CNNs (Resnet, VGG, DenseNet, ...)
    • Sound classification: CNNs (CRNN), LSTM
    • Text classification: GBMs, Linear, DL, Naive Bayes, kNNs, LibFM, LIBFFM
    • Time series: Autoregressive models, ARIMA, Linear, GBMs, DL, LSTM
    • Categorial: GBMs, Linear, DL, LibFM, LIBFFM
    • Numerical: GBMs, Linear, DL, SVMs
    • Interactions: GBMs, Linear, DL
    • Recommenders: CF, DL, LibFM, LIBFFM, GBMs

    • All this time, predictions on internal validation and test are saved.
    • Different ways to combine from averaging to multilayer stacking.
    • Small data requires simpler ensemble techniques.
    • Help to average a few low-correlated predictions with good scores.
    • Stacking process repeats the modeling process.

    Tips on collaboration
    • More fun.
    • Learn more.
    • Better score.
    • Gain in at least 2 ways.
      • You can cover more ground.
      • Every person seizes the problem from different angles leading to more though solutions.
    • Start collaborating after getting some experience to understand the dynamics.
    • Start with people around your "rank".
    • Look for people that are likely to do different things well or that specialize in certain areas. 

    Selection final submissions
    • Normally select the best submission locally and best on LB.
    • It is good to monitor correlations. If submissions exist with high scores but significantly lower correlations, they could be considered too.

    Final tips
    • You never lose. You may not win prize money, but you always gain in terms of knowledge, experience, meeting/collaborating with talented people in the field, boost your CV.
    • The Kaggle community may be the most kind, helpful community I have ever experienced in any social context.
    • After the competition look for people sharing approaches. 
    • Create a notebook with useful method and update it.

    Additional Links:

    [competitive-data-science] Week 3



    [competitive-data-science] Week 2

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): what and why?
    • Better understand the data
    • Build an intuition about the data
    • Generate hypothesizes
    • Find insights
    • Please, do not start with stacking...

    2018年5月24日 星期四

    [competitive-data-science] Week 1

    As in any competitive field, you need to work very hard to get a prize in a competition.

    Real World ML Pipeline:
    • Understanding of business problem
    • Problem formalization
    • Data collecting
    • Data preprocessing
    • Modelling
    • Way to evaluate model in real life
    • Way to deploy model

    Real World Aspect:
    • Competition Problem formalization
    • Choice of target metric
    • Deployment issues
    • Inference speed
    • Data collecting
    • Model complexity
    • Target metric value

    Competition Aspect:
    • Competition Problem formalization (N)
    • Choice of target metric (N)
    • Deployment issues (N)
    • Inference speed (N)
    • Data collecting (Y/N)
    • Model complexity (Y/N)
    • Target metric value (Y)

    Recap of main ML algorithms:

    Overview of ML methods:

    Additional Tools:

    Stack and packages:

    Feature preprocessing:

    Feature generation:

    Feature extraction from text:

    NLP Libraries:

    Feature extraction from images:

    2018年5月16日 星期三




    1. Google、Microsoft


    試著想辦法讓自己變好,試著結合自己的興趣。很自然想到 Coursera 上找一些課程來加強學習,除此之外還想增加自己的曝光度,畢竟這個世界就很現實,你要有一些成績讓人家看見,人家才會對你感興趣。基於這樣的想法:


    2. Amazon

    結論:Software Development Engineer 感謝函 + Cloud Support Engineer 暫停面試流程。

    有簽 NDA 無法透露細節。只能就公開的工作內容討論。Cloud Support Engineer 工作內容跟我目前工作內容差異極大,我投錯了。不過我很喜歡 Amazon 的 leadership principles 裡面講的東西:

    然後也試著瞭解工作曾經遇過的困難,總要停下腳步才看得清過往的錯誤。粗略看許多 DevOps 的東西,發現 Google 對於 DevOps 的理解與眾不同:

    例如講到 the evolution of automation,他會介紹流程是怎麼進行:
    1. No automation
    2. Externally maintained system-specific automation
    3. Externally maintained generic automation
    4. Internally maintained system-specific automation
    5. Systems that don’t need any automation

    還有講到很多東西,本身才疏學淺,讀起來特別有收穫。Google 這麼做,或許我們可以做個參考,可是這終究是 Google 的經驗,有時候面試想要吹噓幾句還是無法駕輕就熟。

    3. One DevOps Startup

    結論:Offer get.

    想到這個點子,把點子變成賺錢機器,真的很強,台灣新創公司真的很厲害。透過面試再次理解 DevOps,新創公司眼中是寶的東西 (Jenkins、Ansible、Kubernetes),並不是理所當然的存在,只是自己沒有深入瞭解 DevOps 裡頭的東西。

    (有衝動想把這些 tech stacks 架起來玩,等我有空的時候)








    2018年5月10日 星期四

    2018年4月27日 星期五

    [Note #4][Algorithm] Backtracking

    Backtracking: http://acm.nudt.edu.cn/~twcourse/Backtracking.html

    • Problem: 
      • A ring is composed of n (even number) circles as shown in diagram. Put natural numbers into each circle separately, and the sum of numbers in two adjacent circles should be a prime.
      • Note: the number of first circle should always be 1.
      • You are to write a program that completes above process.
    • AC: https://github.com/Meng-Gen/UVa/blob/master/UVa/acm_524.cc

    2018年4月24日 星期二

    [Note] TCP/IP State Transition

    TCP/IP State Transition Diagram:

    UNIX Network Programming (Volume1) 3rd:

    There are 11 different states defined for a connection and the rules of TCP dictate the transitions from one state to another, based on the current state and the segment received in that state. For example, if an application performs an active open in the CLOSED state, TCP sends a SYN and the new state is SYN_SENT. If TCP next receives a SYN with an ACK, it sends an ACK and the new state is ESTABLISHED. This final state is where most data transfer occurs.

    The two arrows leading from the ESTABLISHED state deal with the termination of a connection. If an application calls close before receiving a FIN (an active close), the transition is to the FIN_WAIT_1 state. But if an application receives a FIN while in the ESTABLISHED state (a passive close), the transition is to the CLOSE_WAIT state.

    We denote the normal client transitions with a darker solid line and the normal server transitions with a darker dashed line. We also note that there are two transitions that we have not talked about: a simultaneous open (when both ends send SYNs at about the same time and the SYNs cross in the network) and a simultaneous close (when both ends send FINs at the same time).

    Three-Way Handshake

    The following scenario occurs when a TCP connection is established:
    1. The server must be prepared to accept an incoming connection. This is normally done by calling socket, bind, and listen and is called a passive open. 
    2. The client issues an active open by calling connect. This causes the client TCP to send a "synchronize" (SYN) segment, which tells the server the client's initial sequence number for the data that the client will send on the connection. Normally, there is no data sent with the SYN; it just contains an IP header, a TCP header, and possible TCP options (which we will talk about shortly).
    3. The server must acknowledge (ACK) the client's SYN and the server must also send its own SYN containing the initial sequence number for the data that the server will send on the connection. The server sends its SYN and the ACK of the client's SYN in a single segment.
    4. The client must acknowledge the server's SYN.
    The minimum number of packets required for this exchange is three; hence, this is called TCP's three-way handshake.

    TCP Connection Termination

    While it takes three segments to establish a connection, it takes four to terminate a connection.
    1. One application calls close first, and we say that this end performs the active close. This end's TCP sends a FIN segment, which means it is finished sending data. 
    2. The other end that receives the FIN performs the passive close. The received FIN is acknowledged by TCP. The receipt of the FIN is also passed to the application as an end-of-file (after any data that may have already been queued for the application to receive), since the receipt of the FIN means the application will not receive any additional data on the connection.
    3. Sometime later, the application that received the end-of-file will close its socket. This causes its TCP to send a FIN.
    4. The TCP on the system that receives this final FIN (the end that did the active close) acknowledges the FIN.

    2018年4月23日 星期一


    (中午休息阿比指我,殊不知另外四指指著自己 XD)









    2018年4月13日 星期五

    [Note] Some questions about threads & processes

    1. Singleton pattern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern

    2. The difference between a process and a thread

    • Concept
      • A process is an instance of a program in execution.
      • Modern systems allow a single process to have multiple threads of execution, which execute concurrently.
    • Process Scheduling
      • The two main objectives of the process scheduling system are to keep the CPU busy at all times and to deliver "acceptable" response times for all programs, particularly for interactive ones.
      • The process scheduler must meet these objectives by implementing suitable policies for swapping processes in and out of the CPU.

    (Quote from here)

    • Overview
      • A thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization, consisting of a program counter, a stack, and a set of registers, (and a thread ID.)
      • Traditional (heavyweight) processes have a single thread of control - There is one program counter, and one sequence of instructions that can be carried out at any given time.
    • Motivation
      • Threads are very useful in modern programming whenever a process has multiple tasks to perform independently of the others.
      • This is particularly true when one of the tasks may block, and it is desired to allow the other tasks to proceed without blocking. For example in a word processor, a background thread may check spelling and grammar while a foreground thread processes user input (keystrokes), while yet a third thread loads images from the hard drive, and a fourth does periodic automatic backups of the file being edited. 
      • Another example is a web server - Multiple threads allow for multiple requests to be satisfied simultaneously, without having to service requests sequentially or to fork off separate processes for every incoming request.
    • Benefits
      • Responsiveness - One thread may provide rapid response while other threads are blocked or slowed down doing intensive calculations.
      • Resource sharing - By default threads share common code, data, and other resources, which allows multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously in a single address space. 
      • Economy - Creating and managing threads is much faster than performing the same tasks for processes. 
      • Scalability, i.e. Utilization of multiprocessor architectures - A single threaded process can only run on one CPU, no matter how many may be available, whereas the execution of a multi-threaded application may be split amongst available processors.

    Example: Chrome
    • Problem 
      • It's nearly impossible to build a rendering engine that never crashes or hangs. It's also nearly impossible to build a rendering engine that is perfectly secure. 
      • In some ways, the state of web browsers around 2006 was like that of the single-user, co-operatively multi-tasked operating systems of the past. As a misbehaving application in such an operating system could take down the entire system, so could a misbehaving web page in a web browser. All it took is one browser or plug-in bug to bring down the entire browser and all of the currently running tabs. 
      • Modern operating systems are more robust because they put applications into separate processes that are walled off from one another. A crash in one application generally does not impair other applications or the integrity of the operating system, and each user's access to other users' data is restricted.

    3. The producer-consumer problem: race condition
    • In this condition a piece of code may or may not work correctly, depending on which of two simultaneous processes executes first, and more importantly if one of the processes gets interrupted such that the other process runs between important steps of the first process.
    • A specific example of a more general situation known as the critical section problem. 
    • A solution to the critical section problem must satisfy the following three conditions:
      • Mutual Exclusion - Only one process at a time can be executing in their critical section.
      • Progress - If no process is currently executing in their critical section, and one or more processes want to execute their critical section, then only the processes not in their remainder sections can participate in the decision, and the decision cannot be postponed indefinitely.
      • Bounded Waiting - There exists a limit as to how many other processes can get into their critical sections after a process requests entry into their critical section and before that request is granted.
    • Peterson's Solution
      • Peterson's Solution is a classic software-based solution to the critical section problem. It is unfortunately not guaranteed to work on modern hardware, due to vagaries of load and store operations.
    • Synchronization Hardware
      • To generalize the solution expressed above, each process when entering their critical section must set some sort of lock, to prevent other processes from entering their critical sections simultaneously, and must release the lock when exiting their critical section, to allow other processes to proceed. Obviously it must be possible to attain the lock only when no other process has already set a lock. 
    • Mutex Locks
      • The hardware solutions presented above are often difficult for ordinary programmers to access, particularly on multi-processor machines, and particularly because they are often platform-dependent.
      • Therefore most systems offer a software API equivalent called mutex locks or simply mutexes.
      • The terminology when using mutexes is to acquire a lock prior to entering a critical section, and to release it when exiting.
      • One problem with the implementation shown here is the busy loop used to block processes in the acquire phase. These types of locks are referred to as spinlocks, because the CPU just sits and spins while blocking the process. 
      • Spinlocks are wasteful of cpu cycles, and are a really bad idea on single-cpu single-threaded machines, because the spinlock blocks the entire computer, and doesn't allow any other process to release the lock.
      • On the other hand, spinlocks do not incur the overhead of a context switch, so they are effectively used on multi-threaded machines when it is expected that the lock will be released after a short time.
    • Semaphores
      • A more robust alternative to simple mutexes is to use semaphores, which are integer variables for which only two atomic operations are defined, the wait and signal operations.
      • Note that not only must the variable-changing steps (S-- and S++) be indivisible, it is also necessary that for the wait operation when the test proves false that there be no interruptions before S gets decremented.

    4. Deadlocks
    • A set of processes is deadlocked when every process in the set is waiting for a resource that is currently allocated to another process in the set.
    • Necessary Conditions
      • Mutual Exclusion - At least one resource must be held in a non-sharable mode; If any other process requests this resource, then that process must wait for the resource to be released. 
      • Hold and Wait - A process must be simultaneously holding at least one resource and waiting for at least one resource that is currently being held by some other process. 
      • No preemption - Once a process is holding a resource, then that resource cannot be taken away from that process until the process voluntarily releases it. 
      • Circular Wait - A set of processes { P[0], P[1], P[2], ..., P[N] } must exist such that every P[i] is waiting for P[(i+1) % (N+1)]. 
    • Methods for Handling Deadlocks
      • Deadlock prevention or avoidance - Do not allow the system to get into a deadlocked state.
      • Deadlock detection and recovery - Abort a process or preempt some resources when deadlocks are detected.
      • Ignore the problem all together - If deadlocks only occur once a year or so, it may be better to simply let them happen and reboot as necessary than to incur the constant overhead and system performance penalties associated with deadlock prevention or detection.

    5. Classical Synchronization Problems


    2018年4月7日 星期六

    [Note] Competitive Programming Overview

    • Ad Hoc
      • Straightforward
      • Simulation
    • Complete Search
      • Iterative
      • Backtracking
    • Divide & Conquer
    • Greedy
      • Classic
      • Original
    • Dynamic Programming
      • Classic
        • Kadane's algorithm
      • Original
    • Graph
    • Mathematics
      • Factorial
      • Fibonacci Q-Matrix
    • String Processing
    • Computational Geometry
    • Otherwise

    2018年3月31日 星期六

    [Note #3][Algorithm] Kadane’s algorithm

    Maximum subarray sum

    Given an array of n numbers, our task is to calculate the maximum subarray sum, i.e., the largest possible sum of a sequence of consecutive values in the array.

    1. Brute force: O(n^3) or O(n^2).

    2. Divide and Conquer: O(n log(n)).

    3. Kadane’s algorithm (Dynamic Programming): O(n)

    int best = 0, sum = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        sum = max(array[k], sum + array[k]);
        best = max(best, sum);
    cout << best << "\n";

    [FWD] Book: Competitive Programming

    First edition: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (The latest edition is the 3rd but not free in the Internet.)

    Related book: Antti Laaksonen, Competitive Programmer’s Handbook. [PDF]

    2018年3月9日 星期五


    原本以為會講很多 Michel Foucault 理論的東西,不過這本書談幾個重要議題,相互印證 Michel Foucault 講的東西,突然覺得很有啟發性,畢竟理論還是要能夠結合現實發生的問題。以台灣來說問題大概就是:
    • 吸毒行為
    • 販賣毒品行為
    • 原住民犯罪





    2018年3月2日 星期五















    2018年2月10日 星期六

    [Note] Bitcoin

    • Book: Mastering Bitcoin, 2nd Edition Programming the Open Blockchain By Andreas Antonopoulos [Github]
    • Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System [PDF][簡中]


    • The Group Structure on an Elliptic Curve [PDF]
      • Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem
      • Schoof, Elkies, and Atkin for computing #E(Z/pZ)
      • No known analogue of index calculus attacks on the discrete log problem.

    2018年1月7日 星期日



    • Walter Benjamin, Critique of Violence.
    • Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer.














    國民須保護其領土,則農民土地若為豪強侵佔數丈,自可起來反抗,而提起訴訟。被害人提起訴訟,往往不是因為實際上的利益,而是基於權利感情(feeling of right),對於不法行為,精神上感覺痛苦。即不是單單要討還標的物,而是要主張自己應有的權利。他的心聲告訴他說:你不要退縮,這不是關係毫無價值的物,而是關係你的人格,你的自尊,你的權利感情。簡單言之,訴訟對你,不是單單利益問題,而是名譽問題,即人格問題。





    權利與人格結為一體之時,不問是那一種權利,均不能計算價值之多少。此種價值不是物質上的價值(material value),而是觀念上的價值(ideal value)。對於觀念上的價值,不論貧與富,不論野蠻人與文明人,評價都是一樣。至其發生的原因,不是由於知識的高低,而是由於苦痛感情的大小。也許野蠻人比之文明人,權利感情更見強烈。文明人往往無意之中,計算得失孰大孰小。野蠻人不憑理智,只依感情,故能勇往猛進,堅決反抗權利之受侵害。但是文明人若能認識權利受到侵害,不但對他自己,而且對整個社會,都可以發生影響,亦會拔劍而起,挺身而鬥,不計利害,不計得失。吾於歐洲許多民族之中,只知英國人民有此權利感情。英國人民旅行歐洲大陸,若受旅館主人或馬車馭者的欺騙,縱令急於出發,亦願延期啟行,向對方交涉,雖犧牲十倍的金錢,亦所不惜。這也許可以引人嗤笑,其實嗤笑乃是不知英國人民的性格,所以與其嗤笑英人,不如認識英人。



    個人堅決主張自己應有的權利,這是法律能夠發生效力的條件。少數人若有勇氣督促法律的實行,藉以保護自己的權利,雖然受到迫害,也無異於信徒為宗教而殉難。自己的權利受到侵害,而乃坐聽加喜人的橫行,不敢起來反抗,則法律將為之毀滅。故凡勸告被害人忍受侵害,無異於勸告被害人破壞法律。不法行為遇到權利人堅決反抗,往往會因之中止。是則法律的毀滅,責任不在於侵害法律的人,而在於被害人缺乏勇氣。我敢大膽主張:「勿為不法」 (Do no injustice)固然可嘉,「勿寬容不法」(Suffer no injustice)尤為可貴。蓋不法行為不問是出之於個人,或是出之於官署,被害人若能不撓不屈,與其抗爭,則加害人有所顧忌,必不敢輕舉妄動。由此可知我的權利受到侵犯,受到否認,就是人人權利受到侵犯,受到否認。反之,我能防護權利,主張權利,回復權利,就是人人權利均受防護,均有主張,均能回復。故凡為一己的權利而奮鬥,乃有極崇高的意義。

    在這個觀念之下,權利鬥爭同時就是法律鬥爭,當事人提起訴訟之時,成為問題的不限於權利主體的利益,即整個法律亦會因之發生問題。莎士比亞在其所著(威尼斯的商人) (Merchant of Venice)中,描寫猶太商人舍洛克(Shylock)貸款給安多紐(Anto-nio)的故事,中有舍洛克所說的一段話:








    說到這裏,我又想起另一作家克萊斯特(Henrich von Kleist) 所寫的小說《米刻爾.科爾哈斯》(Michael Kohlass)了。舍洛克悄然走出,失去反抗之力而服從法院的判決。反之,科爾哈斯則不然了。他應得的權利受到侵害,法官曲解法律,不予保護,領主又左袒法官,不作正義的主張。他悲憤極了,說道:「為人而受蹂躪,不如為狗」,「禁止法律保護吾身,便是驅逐吾身於蠻人之中。他們是把棍子給我,叫我自己保護自己」。於是憤然而起,由正義的神那裏,奪得寶劍,揮之舞之,全國為之震駭,腐化的制度為之動搖,君主的地位為之戰慄。暴動的號角已經鳴了。權利感情受到侵害,無異於對人類全體宣戰。但是驅使科爾哈斯作此行動,並不是單單報仇而已,而是基於正義的觀念。即余當為自己目前所受的侮辱,恢復名譽;並為同胞將來所受的侵害,要求保護,這是余的義務。結果,他便對於從前宣告他為有罪的人——君主、領主及法官,科以2倍、3倍以上的私刑。世上不法之事莫過於執行法律的人自己破壞法律。法律的看守人變為法律的殺人犯,醫生毒死病人,監護人絞殺被監護人,這是天下最悖理的事。在古代羅馬,法官受賄,便處死刑。法官審判,不肯根據,而惟視金錢多少,勢力大小,法律消滅了,人民就由政治社會回歸到自然世界,各人均用自己的腕力以保護自己的權利,這是勢之必然。




