2017年2月5日 星期日


Criminal Profiling(犯罪側寫師),不懂,隨著戲劇推演,慢慢知道這個「職業功能」。犯罪側寫師並沒有戲劇裡講得那麼殘廢,美國有強烈的被害妄想症,任何可以防止犯罪的招式都會拿來實際應用,這種實事求是的態度可以在第三世界演習戰爭看得到。一個強盛的國家,必定吃了很多人肉。以下是介紹:

Criminal Profiling: A viable investigative tool against violent crime.

The Profiling Process: The profiling process is defined by the FBI as an investigative technique by which to identify the major personality and behavioral characteristics of the offender based on an analysis of crime(s) he or she has committed. The process generally involves seven steps.

1. Evaluation of criminal act itself.(紅院洞殺人案特殊棄屍方式)
2. Comprehensive evaluation of the specifics of the crime scene(s).(大盜案追不到犯人之矛盾)
3. Comprehensive analysis of the victim.(京畿南部連續殺人案最後不一樣的繩結)
4. Evaluation of preliminary police reports.(朴善宇自殺疑案)
5. Evaluation of the medical examiner's autopsy protocol.(無法驗屍的朴海英哥哥朴善宇的抽血樣本)
6. Development of profile with critical offender characteristics.(紅院洞殺人案排放整齊的貨架)
7. Investigative suggestions predicated on construction of the profile.(在公訴期限內追金允貞誘拐案兇手)


「解釋劇情」的犯罪側寫師在《Signal》角色非常吃重,時空跳躍錯置很容易讓觀眾出戲,「黃光/冷光」、「當代/九十」切換觀眾畫面的時序,其中「李材韓/朴海英」連接處是橫空出世的無線電對講機,不禁讓人想到 germs of holomorphic functions,無線電通話的時候就是那個 nonempty connected open set「車秀賢」。



