2012年4月27日 星期五

巴菲特寫給股東的信 2007之一

因為「巴菲特寫給股東的信」只有寫到 2006,只好苦命地把 2007-2011補齊,並且祈禱巴菲特不要被時間回收。







  • Unfortunately, this wish was promptly granted, as just about all Americans came to believe that house prices would forever rise. 美國不能,台北房地產能,過去是金本位,現在是美金本位,未來是台北房地產本位(以上大家不要當真)
  • 部位過大的困擾(我應該還差很遠吧):Berkshire’s past record can’t be duplicated or even approached. Our base of assets and earnings is now far too large for us to make outsized gains in the future. 雖然講的很驕傲,不過要想為什麼?小池塘來一隻大白鯊,池塘水都光了。
  • Charlie and I look for companies that have a) a business we understand; b) favorable long-term economics; c) able and trustworthy management; and d) a sensible price tag. We like to buy the whole business or, if management is our partner, at least 80%. When control-type purchases of quality aren’t available, though, we are also happy to simply buy small portions of great businesses by way of stockmarket purchases. It’s better to have a part interest in the Hope Diamond than to own all of a rhinestone. 重複了,但還是很重要,雖然我們沒辦法買很多股份,但至少前面四條原則與「股份」多寡無關,這是令人高興的事,這表示我們有機會實做「大原則」,光說不練是假功夫,只有把上百、上千萬的錢拿出來實驗,才有真正的意義。當然要小心賠的一屁股啦,還好我屁股比較大,不怕(抖)。
  • If a business requires a superstar to produce great results, the business itself cannot be deemed great.(幹麻偷婊紅茶店,真壞,哈哈,躺著也中槍)
  • Long-term competitive advantage in a stable industry is what we seek in a business. Now let’s move to the gruesome. The worst sort of business is one that grows rapidly, requires significant capital to engender the growth, and then earns little or no money.(要提防這種怪獸企業)To sum up, think of three types of “savings accounts.” The great one pays an extraordinarily high interest rate that will rise as the years pass. The good one pays an attractive rate of interest that will be earned also on deposits that are added. Finally, the gruesome account both pays an inadequate interest rate and requires you to keep adding money at those disappointing returns.


