2011年4月1日 星期五

損益表分析補充 [Graham & Dodd]

Past record is pertinent to the future

  1. The accounting aspect: What are the true earnings for the period studied?

  2. The business aspect: What indications does the earnings carry as to the future earning power of the company?

  3. Aspect of investment finance: What elements in the earnings exhibit must be taken into account, and what standards followed, in endeavoring to arrive at a reasonable valuation of the shares?

例子: 這家公司主要經營業務為:飼料、大宗油脂、肉品。

1. 如果是季報,理論上要揭示「僅經核閱,未依一般公認審計準則查核」。

2. In order to arrive at the indicated earning power for the period studied, the analyst should follow a standard procedure consisting of 5 steps:
  • He will eliminate nonrecurrent items from a single-year analysis. But he will include most of them in a long-term analysis.
  • He will exclude deductions or credits arising from the use of contingency and other arbitrary reserves.
  • He will endeavor to place the depreciation (or amortization) allowance and the inventory valuation on a basis suitable for comparative study.
  • He will adjust the earnings for the operations of subsidiaries and affiliates to the extent they are not shown.
  • As a check, he will endeavor to reconcile the allowance for income tax with the reported earnings.

什麼是 nonrecurrent items?

書上解釋為 outside the regular course of the business. 損益表科目為銷貨收入及銷貨退回,兩者相減就是營業收入淨額,也就是公司本業產生的收入。至於利息收入、股利收入、處分固定資產淨利益等等都是 nonrecurrent items。

然而, some nonrecurrent items should be included in the over-all results for a period of years. 例如退稅。這個科目應該補回前期的稅後淨利,補完才是正確的數字。因此長期來看,稅後淨利加上退稅才是公司本業真正的稅後淨利。

至於跟本業無關的科目 (例如處分固定資產淨利益),就算長期來看,也不能算在公司本業獲利。


首先,我們要能掌握公司長期股權投資明細。公司有許多子公司,最大的子公司帳面價值有4,920,790,他能給母公司多少盈餘呢?106,441 (去年是 288,089),年化後約有2.88%報酬率 (去年是 7.55%)。

接著,就可以評估長期股權投資 earning power。

3. 可以參考原有的股票投資策略

