2012年3月8日 星期四

Security Analysis Part II Chapter 9。

1. All security analysis involves the analysis of financial statements。

2. 使用財報的假設:Past record in pertinent to the future,這也是證券分析不科學的地方 (姑且昇華為藝術),不然我們還能怎樣?

3. 證券分析三大面向
  • The company's business and properties (it may include also some historical data and some details about the management.) 這是我的弱點。之前賣的股票,我居然沒看過公司年報,這點太疏忽了,值得檢討。
  • Financial material, viz.: (1) the capitalization, (2) the record of earnings and dividends for a considerable number of years, and (3) a recent balance sheet. (balance sheet 將要改名為 statement of financial position)
  • The prospects of the enterprise and the merits of the security.

4. 看數據的要領:average、minimum (maximum 應該也要看)、trend

5. Nonrecurrent items 處理要領:
  • Nonrecurrent items should be excluded in arriving at the results for a single year. 應該更留意一點,這會讓財報分析失真。
  • Nonrecurrent items should be included in the overall results for a period of years. 這點郭恭克沒有特別強調,值得留意。

